- News
- Feb 08
New Service: RFC Validation and Extraction from the SAT in Mexico

New Service to increase security and reduce fraud: Run validity checks on a single or a group of companies’ RFC’s, names and addresses.
When to use: When you want to ensure that you are working with a legitimate entity, verify address, name, and verify that all customers/suppliers are real and there is no fake data.
Cost to use:
Option 1: On Demand
$40 MXN per validation
Option 2: Purchase Package
$40,000 MXN for 10,000 validations
CRiskCo is introducing a new service to validate and extract the Mexican Tax Identification Number (RFC) from the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT). Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) validation is a process used in Mexico to verify the validity of a taxpayer identification number issued by the Mexican government. The RFC is a unique number assigned to individuals and businesses that are required to pay taxes in Mexico. The validation process checks the format and structure of the RFC to ensure that it is a valid number and belongs to the person or entity claiming it. This validation is important for businesses and individuals to verify the identity of customers, suppliers, reduce frauds and identify fake accounts. We recommend the usage of this service on the entire ecosystem of your targeted applicant/client/supplier. Within a few minutes you can check the entire network of the company.
The new service provides real-time validation by checking it against the SAT’s database. This will help to reduce the risk of errors and fraud in financial transactions and improve the accuracy of the data being used.
Our Suggestion
If you have a new application for credit, it is better to check the applicant tax data, but equally important to verify all their clients and suppliers are verified as well. You can easily use the bulk function to check all applicants, clients, and suppliers in one check. If you are interested in doing it automatically for all new applicants, please let us know to turn it on for you.
Process to validate an RFC:
Our RFC Validation service is designed to provide flexibility and accessibility to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. We offer two options for accessing and using the service: an API and a user interface.
User interface RFC validation:
The user interface is designed to provide a simpler and user-friendly experience for non-technical users. It allows for easy upload, validation, and viewing of the status of individual RFCs, without the need for programming skills or technical knowledge.
The process is done through our dashboard on the “RFC Validation” page, and there are two options to use the service:
1.By validating one RFC at a time
2.By validating bulk of RFC’s up to 5,000 in a single call
If you need to validate individual RFCs, simply select the “Single” option and enter the requested information as shown in the image below. This streamlined process allows for quick and accurate validation of RFCs on a case-by-case basis.
If you need to validate a large number of RFCs at once, simply select the “Bulk” option and upload a file with the specified format (as shown in the image below). With this option, you can validate up to 5,000 RFCs with a single call, saving time and streamlining the validation process.
In every call you are able to validate with SAT in real-time the following:
– RFC is correct and active
– Name of the company match the RFC
– Company postal code is correct
API RFC Validation:
The API is ideal for developers and technical teams who are looking for a more customizable way of integrating the RFC validation service into their existing software systems or applications.
Similar to the user interface, there are two options available for accessing the RFC validation service through the API:
1. By validating one RFC at a time (SAT – RFC Validation endpoint ).
2. By validating bulk of RFC’s up to 5,000 in a single call (SAT – RFC Validation Bulk endpoint ).
In every call you are able to validate with SAT in real-time the following:
– RFC is correct and active
– Name of the company match the RFC
– Company postal code is correct
The API request can include:
Individual RFC –
Option 1 – RFC Only:
Option 2 – RFC, Name and Postal Code : URL/service.svc/ValidateRFC?rfc=XXX00000&name=TEST&postal=12345
Bulk RFC
URL/service.svc/ValidateRFCBulk with File in body
The file in the body of the request will include the RFC and other details, separated by characters that will be defined in the documentation of the service.
The response will return if the request is successful or not, 3 optional boolean values and the response message from SAT (as you can see below in the example):
Success – Is the request is successful or not
ValidRFC – The RFC is valid or not
ValidName (if requested) – The Company Name is valid or not
ValidPostal (if requested) – The Postal Code is valid or not
message – The exact message from SAT
For more details and examples check https://criskco.com.mx/api-docs/
If you are not sure how many RFC validations you require you can pay per call an amount of 20 MXN.
We recommend purchasing a package of 10,000 calls at 80% discount for 40,000 MXN, making it extremely cost effective, with only 4 MXN per call.
Bulk calls and single API calls are billed with the same packages. For example a bulk call with 1,000 RFC’s will be charged as 1,000 API calls.
For billing information and registration to the service, reach out to sales@criskco.com.
The new RFC validation and extraction service offered by CRiskCo is a valuable addition to its suite of risk management solutions. It improves the efficiency and confidence of companies offering credit or loans in Mexico by reducing the risk of errors and fraud. CRiskCo is committed to providing innovative and comprehensive solutions to its clients, and this service aligns with that goal.
All CRiskCo customers have access to this service, upon registration of your interest, which is part of the company’s ongoing efforts to enhance its platform. The real-time validation and extraction of the RFC will ensure accuracy and security in the credit risk analysis.
Dictionary :
*What is an RFC – Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) validation is a process used in Mexico to verify the validity of a taxpayer identification number issued by the Mexican government.
*What is SAT – The federal government of Mexico’s revenue department is known as the Tax Administration Service (SAT; Spanish: Servicio de Administración Tributaria).
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